
word craft


Looking for the best way

How?One of the ques­tions I am often asked is, “What is the best way to write?” 

Well … 

I knew a writer who wrote his books para­graph by para­graph on index cards. Then he orga­nized those cards to cre­ate his narratives. 

I know a writer who told me she does­n’t set down one word until she has worked out the whole plot. It some­times takes her years to do that. 

I know a writer who begins to write with­out hav­ing the fog­gi­est idea where he is going. 

I know a writer who told me she couldn’t begin a book until she knew the last sentence. 

I know a writer who insists he must start his writ­ing day at four AM. 

I knew a writer who wrote all his books on yel­low pads in pen­cil, and then had his wife type out the man­u­scripts, after which he read the book for the first time. 

I know a writer who refus­es to use a com­put­er because, he says, it makes his books too long. 

A writer told me she can bare­ly write her name with a pen, being so used to a computer. 

I knew of a writer who dic­tat­ed all his nov­els to a secretary. 

I knew a writer who told me his best writ­ing took place in a neigh­bor­hood McDonald’s booth. 

I knew a writer whose writ­ing place was a closet. 

And anoth­er writer who wrote on his kitchen table. 

What is the best way to write?  What­ev­er works for you.

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