
word craft


Splendid passages

jewelThere is a Samuel John­son sto­ry I have always loved, though I have no idea where I read it, or how true it is. I recall it as some­thing like this. His friend Boswell said to him, “Mr. John­son, I have a friend who has writ­ten a fine book with many splen­did pas­sages, but no pub­lish­er will take it. What shall he do?” To which John­son is said to have replied, “Tell your friend to remove all his splen­did pas­sages, and he will have a book he can sell.”

When writ­ing a book, par­tic­u­lar­ly a long one, it’s quite com­mon to write such “splen­did pas­sages,” fine-honed para­graphs you, well, love. But if you do revise your book thoroughly—as you should—and yet those pas­sages remain utter­ly untouched, you might con­sid­er tak­ing Johnson’s advice. Such pas­sages are often, in fact, road bumps on an oth­er­wise smooth path.

I’ve learned—perhaps to soothe my own vanity—to cut those pas­sages, and (work­ing with a com­put­er) park them at the end of the man­u­script, telling myself they are not gone, just held in reserve. More often than not, I for­get about them. Then, when I come upon them, I find myself ask­ing, “Why did I ever save this?” Away goes that splen­did passage—and I have a bet­ter book. 

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