
word craft


When do I work?

Cor­ry, from Lenoir NC, asks, “What would you say your writ­ing sched­ule is?”

calendarI am an ear­ly riser—six, six thirty—and after a small break­fast, I sit down at my com­put­er. From then on, I write, rewrite, or do research. I take breaks, of course. They may be every­thing from lunch, to a walk through the woods for an hour, or per­haps chop­ping wood, which I like to do for a half hour each day. (Win­ter comes ear­ly to the Rocky Moun­tains.) Nonethe­less, even when I am doing those things I spend a fair amount of time think­ing about my work. 

Then there is work con­nect­ed to writ­ing, answer­ing let­ters and e‑mails, phone calls, proof­read­ing, trip plan­ning, Skype plan­ning, and the like. 

In the evenings, I may work anoth­er hour or so, before spend­ing the end of the day reading.

That is my rou­tine vir­tu­al­ly every day. When I trav­el I always have my lap­top, and I can and do work well in air­ports and on airplanes. 

In oth­er words, Cor­ry, in one way or anoth­er, I work at my writ­ing every day. 

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