
word craft


Process, process, process

revisionIt is hard enough to com­plete a first draft. Even more cru­cial, I think, is your first re-read­ing of that draft. If you write in any way like I do, that first draft will be full of mis­steps. You will find events that con­tra­dict oth­er events. You will dis­cov­er ele­ments that are left out (on page 5) which could allow you to do some­thing else (on page 105). Or you will find some­thing on that page 105 that con­tra­dicts some­thing you wrote on that page 5. There will be tan­gen­tial thrusts in odd direc­tions, ideas you had that were nev­er ful­ly used or did not devel­op. Changes of char­ac­ters. You may well finds dates and or num­bers that don’t ful­ly add up. Is your pro­tag­o­nist the same age throughout?

All such things (and more) are com­mon in a first draft.

It is when you go through that draft, slow­ly, care­ful­ly, that you can—must—pluck out all these vari­ances, so as to make your work whole.

Do not—even for a moment–think these glitch­es are NOT there. They are. More­over, if they are not so notice­able to you, they will be glar­ing­ly obvi­ous to your first impor­tant read­er. You do not want that read­er to be a poten­tial publisher.

Do not think of these ele­ments as mis­takes. Think, process, process, process. If I were to teach a writ­ing class it would NOT be called “Cre­ative writ­ing.” It would be called, “How to rewrite.”

3 thoughts on “Process, process, process”

  1. Being that I am pages from fin­ish­ing my first draft, I appre­ci­ate know­ing oth­ers feel the same way I do: the first draft is apt­ly named. There are drafts, places where breezes could dis­rupt my sto­ry and even blow up a storm of con­fu­sion, IF I did­n’t reread and rewrite it!

  2. Feels like I’m bum­bling along when Chapt. 15 and Chapt. 5 don’t always meet up. Glad to know this is all part of the process. Thank you for your hon­est sharing.


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