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Everything about City of Orphans

Immi­grants have arrived in this coun­try for hun­dreds of years. For many of them, life in Amer­i­ca was much hard­er than they expect­ed. Maks’ sto­ry, set in 1893, is one of har­row­ing dan­ger and a lov­ing, car­ing fam­i­ly. In your class­room or book group, open up dis­cus­sions com­par­ing immi­gra­tion then and now, as well as plot­ting a mystery. 

City of Orphans

Behind the story

Like mil­lions of Amer­i­cans, my fore­bears came from Europe, land­ed on Ellis Island, and went on to New York City, where they stayed. One of the places they stayed was New York City’s Low­er East Side. This was a time when the city had some thir­ty dai­ly news­pa­pers that were not writ­ten in the Eng­lish lan­guage. Amaz­ing­ly enough, much of the ten­e­ment archi­tec­ture, has remained in place. There is even an exist­ing, won­der­ful Ten­e­ment Muse­um, where I saw and learned a great deal, and which helped me write my nov­el, City of Orphans, a nov­el about immi­grant life in New York, at the end of the 19th Cen­tu­ry. read more

Sam­ple Chapter

Read Chap­ter 1, read­able online and as a down­load­able PDF.


Read­ing Group Guide from Simon & Schuster

Fea­tured in the book, the Wal­dorf Asto­ria Hotel was famous around the world. In the sto­ry, Maks’ sis­ter Emma is arrest­ed in her job at the Wal­dorf for steal­ing a watch. Here are images of the build­ing’s archi­tec­ture. What a con­trast to the build­ing in which Maks’ fam­i­ly lives.

The ten­e­ment at 97 Orchard St. on the Low­er East Side of New York City was home to thou­sands of immi­grants at the turn of the cen­tu­ry. It has been restored as a liv­ing his­to­ry of the time of City of Orphans. Walk through a por­tal to the past at The Ten­e­ment Muse­um.

Video walk­through of The Ten­e­ment Muse­um (3:25 min)

Jacob A. Riis is famous for his pho­tographs of ten­e­ment life in 1870s New York City. Pub­lished as How the Oth­er Half Lives, there’s an online exhi­bi­tion of his work at My Mod­ern Met.

Learn more about the Plug-Ugly gang, which began in Bal­ti­more and extend­ed up and down the Atlantic shore. Their name derives from the hats they wore. They were crim­i­nals, involved in Amer­i­can Nativist activ­i­ties, mean­ing they were anti-immi­grant and xenophobic. 

Book Cov­ers Here and Abroad

Always intrigu­ing to study a book’s cov­er, look­ing at how the pub­lish­er and artist felt this would pro­mote a book to the most like­ly read­ers. With City of Orphans, the title changed to red with the paper­back edi­tion. In the Cata­lan edi­tion, the cov­er looks con­tem­po­rary rather than historical.

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